Who’s your favorite superhero?

Who's your favorite superhero?

These awesome possum custom handpainted superhero sneakers are flying down south — New Zealand! Yeyyyy! 🙂

Everyone has his/her favorite superhero. And I mean EVERYONE. It may be the classic ones like Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman, or those characters from the DC or Marvel comics. It may be the new superheroes that most grown-ups probably have no idea exists — and if we did, we’d have given them a questioning/judgmental look somehow.

All I know is that superheroes are there to remind us that this world is worth saving. They may have amazing superpowers and may be indestructible, but what they represent is more than just that — they represent man’s innate desire to help, protect and care for others. I may have a couple of superheroes I personally love and adore, but I would never trade them for the real superheroes in our daily lives — those people whom I am blessed to have known; people who make a difference, an impact, and a positive change towards society. They are the real superheroes. Anyone can be a superhero… if only we listen to that small voice in our hearts… if only we were brave enough to try.


Ok, going back to these superhero shoezums.. here are some more photos:

almost doooone :)

almost doooone 🙂

Ben10 custom handpainted shoes for DK of New Zealand ;)

Ben10 custom handpainted shoes for DK of New Zealand 😉

Invisible woman based on Disney XD

Invisible woman based on Disney XD

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